Enhanced Instance Creation with ONTAP iSCSI/FC as a Cinder Backend

Enhanced Instance Creation with ONTAP iSCSI/FC as a Cinder Backend

The following checklist provides the steps necessary for configuration of Enhanced Instance Creation with NetApp FAS (ONTAP) for iSCSI or Fibre Channel:

Step Description of Step Done?
1 Configure internal tenant settings in cinder.conf  
2 Configure Image-Volume cache setting in cinder.conf  
3 Restart Cinder and Glance services  
4 Upload a Glance Image  
5 Boot from Cinder  
6 Verify functionality  

Table 5.2: Checklist of Steps for Enhanced Instance Creation

  1. Configure internal tenant settings in cinder.conf

Obtain the cinder_internal_tenant_project_id

$ openstack service list
| ID                               | Name        | Type           |
| 468a57b3acd24aaaa41d65efd38cf9b3 | cinder      | volume         |
| 6763e676132f4aaabb68cc1517b18d38 | cinderv3    | volumev3       |
| 68c02f549aff48a8bd1a217af2acaf3d | cinderv2    | volumev2       |
| c4d4d6fad70842159e85927aba7b51f4 | glance      | image          |
| da0958b746ad43e5844c09de23aae2b1 | keystone    | identity       |
| ea78b41d174b4476be6d6bf6cc3c081c | neutron     | network        |
| f030c2914d77496c8dfc8c58acd0d833 | nova        | compute        |

Edit cinder.conf to contain the following entry in the DEFAULT stanza


Obtain the cinder_internal_tenant_user_id

$ openstack user list
| ID                               | Name     |
| 6275bf0ad03743949f7d8752464e30e5 | admin    |

Edit cinder.conf to contain the following entry in the DEFAULT stanza

  1. Configure Image-Volume cache settings in cinder.conf
image_volume_cache_enabled = True
  1. Restart Cinder services
$ systemctl restart openstack-cinder-{api,scheduler,volume}
  1. Upload a Glance image

The following command uses an image that is publicly available. Please use the image you prefer and replace the URL accordingly.

$ wget https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/testdrive-bucket/images/trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1-nfs-edit.img | glance image-create --name=ubuntu-nfs-image --container-format=bare --disk-format=qcow2 --file=trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-disk1-nfs-edit.img –-progress
  1. Boot from Cinder
$ nova boot --flavor m1.medium --key-name openstack_key --nic net-id=replace-with-neutron-net-id --block-device source=image,id=replace-with-glance-image-id,dest=volume,shutdown=preserve,bootindex=0,size=5  ubuntu-vm
  1. Verify functionality

Please open /var/log/cinder/volume.log and look for a message similar to the following to confirm that the image-volume was cached successfully:

2016-09-30 16:38:52.211 DEBUG cinder.volume.flows.manager.create_volume [req-9ea8022f-1dd4-4203-b1f3-019f3c1b377a None None] Downloaded image 16d996d3-87aa-47da-8c82-71a21e8a06fb ((None, None)) to volume 6944e5be-7c56-4a7d-a90b-5231e7e94a6e successfully. from (pid=20926) _copy_image_to_volume /opt/stack/cinder/cinder/volume/flows/manager/create_volume.py