Setup ONTAP: Without Share Server
This section provides an example set of configuration commands to
be executed within ONTAP that enables one SVM appropriately
configured for the Manila configuration referenced in the section
called “Sample manila.conf”. Note that you may have to edit IP
addresses and feature lists based on the environment and licenses
Assign licenses
license add --license-code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
license add --license-code xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Create aggrs
storage aggregate create -aggregate aggr1 -diskcount 24 \
-nodes cluster-1-01
storage aggregate create -aggregate aggr2 -diskcount 24 \
-nodes cluster-1-02
Storage Virtual Machines
Create SVMs
vserver create -vserver manila-vserver -rootvolume vol1 \
-aggregate aggr1 -ns-switch file -rootvolume-security-style unix
Assign Aggregates
Assign aggregates to SVM
vserver modify -vserver manila-vserver -aggr-list aggr1,aggr2